VM6502Q and Qrack

Build Status

  • Qrack: qrack_build_status
  • VM6502Q: vm6502q_build_status
  • CC65: cc65_build_status
  • Examples: examples_build_status


Qrack is a C++ quantum bit simulator, with the ability to support arbitrary numbers of entangled qubits - up to system limitations. Suitable for embedding in other projects, the Qrack::QInterface contains a full and performant collection of standard quantum gates, as well as variations suitable for register operations and arbitrary rotations.

As a demonstration of the Qrack::QInterface implementation, a MOS-6502 microprocessor [MOS-6502] virtual machine has been modified with a set of new opcodes (MOS-6502Q Opcodes) supporting quantum operations. The vm6502q virtual machine exposes new integrated quantum opcodes such as Hadamard transforms and an X-indexed LDA, with the X register in superposition, across a page of memory. An assembly example of a Grover’s search with a simple oracle function is demonstrated in the examples repository.

Finally, a 6502 toolchain - based on CC65 - has been modified and enhanced to support both the new opcodes - for the assembler - as well as C Syntax Enhancements. This is performed primarily as sandbox/exploratory work to help clarify what quantum computational software engineering might look like as the hardware reaches commoditization.