
Defined in qengine_opencl_multi.hpp.

The API is provided by Qrack::QInterface. However, QEngineOCLMulti has two custom constructors:

Qrack::QEngineOCLMulti::QEngineOCLMulti(bitLenInt qBitCount, bitCapInt initState, std::shared_ptr<std::default_random_engine> rgp = nullptr, int deviceCount = -1)

Initialize a Qrack::QEngineOCLMulti object.

Specify the number of qubits and an initial permutation state. Additionally, optionally specify a pointer to a random generator engine object and a number of sub-engines, (usually one per device, though this can be over-allocated,) to break the object into. The “deviceCount” should be a power of 2, but it will be floored to a power of two if the parameter is not already a power of two. The QEngineOCL can not use more than 1 power of 2 devices per qubit. (2^N devices for N qubits.) Powers of 2 in excess of the qubit count will only be used if this engine acquires additional qubits.

Qrack::QEngineOCLMulti::QEngineOCLMulti(bitLenInt qBitCount, bitCapInt initState, std::vector<int> devIDs, std::shared_ptr<std::default_random_engine> rgp = nullptr)

Initialize a Qrack::QEngineOCLMulit object.

Specify the number of qubits and an initial permutation state. Additionally, optionally specify a list of device IDs for sub-engines and a pointer to a random generator engine object.

“devIDs” is a list of integers that represent the index of OpenCL devices in the OCLEngine singleton, to select how equal sized sub-engines are distributed between devices in this engine. The QEngineOCLMulti will only have a power of 2 count of subengines at a time, and not more than 1 power of 2 devices per qubit. (2^N devices for N qubits.) Devices in excess of the highest power of two in the list count will essentially be ignored. Powers of 2 in excess of the qubit count will only be used if this engine acquires additional qubits. It might be possible to load balance this way, for example, by allocating 3 sub-engines on one device index and one sub-engine on a second device index. (Whether this is an efficient load balancing mechanism will depend on the particulars of the system architecture and instance initialization.)