Qrack  9.0
General classical-emulating-quantum development framework
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
3 // (C) Daniel Strano and the Qrack contributors 2017-2023. All rights reserved.
4 //
5 // This is a multithreaded, universal quantum register simulation, allowing
6 // (nonphysical) register cloning and direct measurement of probability and
7 // phase, to leverage what advantages classical emulation of qubits can have.
8 //
9 // Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License V3.
10 // See LICENSE.md in the project root or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html
11 // for details.
13 #pragma once
15 #include "qengine.hpp"
16 #include "statevector.hpp"
19 #include "common/dispatchqueue.hpp"
20 #endif
22 namespace Qrack {
24 class QEngineCPU;
25 typedef std::shared_ptr<QEngineCPU> QEngineCPUPtr;
27 template <class BidirectionalIterator>
28 void reverse(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, bitCapInt stride);
29 template <class BidirectionalIterator>
30 void rotate(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator middle, BidirectionalIterator last, bitCapInt stride);
35 class QEngineCPU : public QEngine {
36 protected:
37  bool isSparse;
41  DispatchQueue dispatchQueue;
42 #endif
44  StateVectorSparsePtr CastStateVecSparse() { return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<StateVectorSparse>(stateVec); }
46 public:
47  QEngineCPU(bitLenInt qBitCount, bitCapInt initState, qrack_rand_gen_ptr rgp = nullptr,
48  complex phaseFac = CMPLX_DEFAULT_ARG, bool doNorm = false, bool randomGlobalPhase = true, bool ignored = false,
49  int64_t ignored2 = -1, bool useHardwareRNG = true, bool useSparseStateVec = false,
50  real1_f norm_thresh = REAL1_EPSILON, std::vector<int64_t> ignored3 = {}, bitLenInt ignored4 = 0U,
51  real1_f ignored5 = FP_NORM_EPSILON_F);
53  ~QEngineCPU() { Dump(); }
55  void Finish()
56  {
58  dispatchQueue.finish();
59 #endif
60  };
62  bool isFinished()
63  {
65  return dispatchQueue.isFinished();
66 #else
67  return true;
68 #endif
69  }
71  void Dump()
72  {
74  dispatchQueue.dump();
75 #endif
76  }
78  void SetDevice(int64_t dID) {}
81  {
82  if (!stateVec) {
83  return ZERO_R1_F;
84  }
87  }
90  {
91  Dump();
92  FreeStateVec();
94  }
96  void FreeStateVec(complex* sv = NULL) { stateVec = NULL; }
98  bool IsZeroAmplitude() { return !stateVec; }
99  void GetAmplitudePage(complex* pagePtr, bitCapIntOcl offset, bitCapIntOcl length);
100  void SetAmplitudePage(const complex* pagePtr, bitCapIntOcl offset, bitCapIntOcl length);
101  void SetAmplitudePage(
102  QEnginePtr pageEnginePtr, bitCapIntOcl srcOffset, bitCapIntOcl dstOffset, bitCapIntOcl length);
103  void ShuffleBuffers(QEnginePtr engine);
104  void CopyStateVec(QEnginePtr src);
108  void QueueSetDoNormalize(bool doNorm)
109  {
110  Dispatch(1U, [this, doNorm] { doNormalize = doNorm; });
111  }
112  void QueueSetRunningNorm(real1_f runningNrm)
113  {
114  Dispatch(1U, [this, runningNrm] { runningNorm = runningNrm; });
115  }
117  void SetQuantumState(const complex* inputState);
118  void GetQuantumState(complex* outputState);
119  void GetProbs(real1* outputProbs);
121  void SetAmplitude(bitCapInt perm, complex amp);
123  using QEngine::Compose;
125  bitLenInt Compose(QInterfacePtr toCopy) { return Compose(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<QEngineCPU>(toCopy)); }
126  std::map<QInterfacePtr, bitLenInt> Compose(std::vector<QInterfacePtr> toCopy);
127  bitLenInt Compose(QEngineCPUPtr toCopy, bitLenInt start);
129  {
130  return Compose(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<QEngineCPU>(toCopy), start);
131  }
133  using QEngine::Decompose;
134  void Decompose(bitLenInt start, QInterfacePtr dest);
136  void Dispose(bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length);
137  void Dispose(bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length, bitCapInt disposedPerm);
139  using QEngine::Allocate;
140  bitLenInt Allocate(bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length);
144  void XMask(bitCapInt mask);
145  void PhaseParity(real1_f radians, bitCapInt mask);
153  void ROL(bitLenInt shift, bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length);
154 #if ENABLE_ALU
155  void INC(bitCapInt toAdd, bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length);
156  void CINC(bitCapInt toAdd, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt length, const std::vector<bitLenInt>& controls);
157  void INCS(bitCapInt toAdd, bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length, bitLenInt overflowIndex);
158 #if ENABLE_BCD
159  void INCBCD(bitCapInt toAdd, bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length);
160 #endif
161  void MUL(bitCapInt toMul, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt carryStart, bitLenInt length);
162  void DIV(bitCapInt toDiv, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt carryStart, bitLenInt length);
163  void MULModNOut(bitCapInt toMul, bitCapInt modN, bitLenInt inStart, bitLenInt outStart, bitLenInt length);
164  void IMULModNOut(bitCapInt toMul, bitCapInt modN, bitLenInt inStart, bitLenInt outStart, bitLenInt length);
165  void POWModNOut(bitCapInt base, bitCapInt modN, bitLenInt inStart, bitLenInt outStart, bitLenInt length);
166  void CMUL(bitCapInt toMul, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt carryStart, bitLenInt length,
167  const std::vector<bitLenInt>& controls);
168  void CDIV(bitCapInt toDiv, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt carryStart, bitLenInt length,
169  const std::vector<bitLenInt>& controls);
170  void CMULModNOut(bitCapInt toMul, bitCapInt modN, bitLenInt inStart, bitLenInt outStart, bitLenInt length,
171  const std::vector<bitLenInt>& controls);
172  void CIMULModNOut(bitCapInt toMul, bitCapInt modN, bitLenInt inStart, bitLenInt outStart, bitLenInt length,
173  const std::vector<bitLenInt>& controls);
174  void CPOWModNOut(bitCapInt base, bitCapInt modN, bitLenInt inStart, bitLenInt outStart, bitLenInt length,
175  const std::vector<bitLenInt>& controls);
176  void FullAdd(bitLenInt inputBit1, bitLenInt inputBit2, bitLenInt carryInSumOut, bitLenInt carryOut);
177  void IFullAdd(bitLenInt inputBit1, bitLenInt inputBit2, bitLenInt carryInSumOut, bitLenInt carryOut);
178  bitCapInt IndexedLDA(bitLenInt indexStart, bitLenInt indexLength, bitLenInt valueStart, bitLenInt valueLength,
179  const unsigned char* values, bool resetValue = true);
180  bitCapInt IndexedADC(bitLenInt indexStart, bitLenInt indexLength, bitLenInt valueStart, bitLenInt valueLength,
181  bitLenInt carryIndex, const unsigned char* values);
182  bitCapInt IndexedSBC(bitLenInt indexStart, bitLenInt indexLength, bitLenInt valueStart, bitLenInt valueLength,
183  bitLenInt carryIndex, const unsigned char* values);
184  void Hash(bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length, const unsigned char* values);
185  void CPhaseFlipIfLess(bitCapInt greaterPerm, bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length, bitLenInt flagIndex);
186  void PhaseFlipIfLess(bitCapInt greaterPerm, bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length);
189 #endif
197  void SetPermutation(bitCapInt perm, complex phaseFac = CMPLX_DEFAULT_ARG);
199  void UniformlyControlledSingleBit(const std::vector<bitLenInt>& controls, bitLenInt qubitIndex,
200  const complex* mtrxs, const std::vector<bitCapInt>& mtrxSkipPowers, bitCapInt mtrxSkipValueMask);
201  void UniformParityRZ(bitCapInt mask, real1_f angle);
202  void CUniformParityRZ(const std::vector<bitLenInt>& controls, bitCapInt mask, real1_f angle);
212  real1_f Prob(bitLenInt qubitIndex);
213  real1_f CtrlOrAntiProb(bool controlState, bitLenInt control, bitLenInt target);
214  real1_f ProbReg(bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length, bitCapInt permutation);
215  real1_f ProbMask(bitCapInt mask, bitCapInt permutation);
217  bitCapInt MAll();
218  bool ForceMParity(bitCapInt mask, bool result, bool doForce = true);
219  void NormalizeState(
220  real1_f nrm = REAL1_DEFAULT_ARG, real1_f norm_thresh = REAL1_DEFAULT_ARG, real1_f phaseArg = ZERO_R1_F);
221  real1_f SumSqrDiff(QInterfacePtr toCompare) { return SumSqrDiff(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<QEngineCPU>(toCompare)); }
222  real1_f SumSqrDiff(QEngineCPUPtr toCompare);
227 protected:
228  real1_f GetExpectation(bitLenInt valueStart, bitLenInt valueLength);
233  void Dispatch(bitCapInt workItemCount, DispatchFn fn)
234  {
236  if ((workItemCount >= pow2Ocl(GetPreferredConcurrencyPower())) && (workItemCount < GetStride())) {
237  dispatchQueue.dispatch(fn);
238  } else {
239  Finish();
240  fn();
241  }
242 #else
243  fn();
244 #endif
245  }
247  void DecomposeDispose(bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length, QEngineCPUPtr dest);
248  void Apply2x2(bitCapIntOcl offset1, bitCapIntOcl offset2, const complex* mtrx, bitLenInt bitCount,
249  const bitCapIntOcl* qPowersSorted, bool doCalcNorm, real1_f norm_thresh = REAL1_DEFAULT_ARG);
250  void UpdateRunningNorm(real1_f norm_thresh = REAL1_DEFAULT_ARG);
251  using QEngine::ApplyM;
252  void ApplyM(bitCapInt mask, bitCapInt result, complex nrm);
254 #if ENABLE_ALU
255  void INCDECC(bitCapInt toMod, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt length, bitLenInt carryIndex);
256  void INCDECSC(bitCapInt toMod, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt length, bitLenInt carryIndex);
257  void INCDECSC(
258  bitCapInt toMod, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt length, bitLenInt overflowIndex, bitLenInt carryIndex);
259 #if ENABLE_BCD
260  void INCDECBCDC(bitCapInt toMod, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt length, bitLenInt carryIndex);
261 #endif
263  typedef std::function<bitCapIntOcl(const bitCapIntOcl&, const bitCapIntOcl&)> IOFn;
264  void MULDIV(const IOFn& inFn, const IOFn& outFn, const bitCapInt& toMul, const bitLenInt& inOutStart,
265  const bitLenInt& carryStart, const bitLenInt& length);
266  void CMULDIV(const IOFn& inFn, const IOFn& outFn, const bitCapInt& toMul, const bitLenInt& inOutStart,
267  const bitLenInt& carryStart, const bitLenInt& length, const std::vector<bitLenInt>& controls);
269  typedef std::function<bitCapIntOcl(const bitCapIntOcl&)> MFn;
270  void ModNOut(const MFn& kernelFn, const bitCapInt& modN, const bitLenInt& inStart, const bitLenInt& outStart,
271  const bitLenInt& length, const bool& inverse = false);
272  void CModNOut(const MFn& kernelFn, const bitCapInt& modN, const bitLenInt& inStart, const bitLenInt& outStart,
273  const bitLenInt& length, const std::vector<bitLenInt>& controls, const bool& inverse = false);
274 #endif
275 };
276 } // namespace Qrack
Definition: dispatchqueue.hpp:33
void finish()
Definition: dispatchqueue.cpp:40
void dispatch(const DispatchFn &op)
Definition: dispatchqueue.cpp:66
void dump()
Definition: dispatchqueue.cpp:51
bool isFinished()
Definition: dispatchqueue.hpp:51
bitLenInt GetPreferredConcurrencyPower()
Definition: parallel_for.hpp:40
bitCapIntOcl GetStride()
Definition: parallel_for.hpp:39
General purpose QEngineCPU implementation.
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:35
bool isFinished()
Returns "false" if asynchronous work is still running, and "true" if all previously dispatched asynch...
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:62
QEngineCPU(bitLenInt qBitCount, bitCapInt initState, qrack_rand_gen_ptr rgp=nullptr, complex phaseFac=CMPLX_DEFAULT_ARG, bool doNorm=false, bool randomGlobalPhase=true, bool ignored=false, int64_t ignored2=-1, bool useHardwareRNG=true, bool useSparseStateVec=false, real1_f norm_thresh=REAL1_EPSILON, std::vector< int64_t > ignored3={}, bitLenInt ignored4=0U, real1_f ignored5=FP_NORM_EPSILON_F)
Initialize a coherent unit with qBitCount number of bits, to initState unsigned integer permutation s...
Definition: state.cpp:35
bitLenInt Compose(QEngineCPUPtr toCopy)
Combine (a copy of) another QEngineCPU with this one, after the last bit index of this one.
Definition: state.cpp:966
void PhaseParity(real1_f radians, bitCapInt mask)
Parity phase gate.
Definition: state.cpp:728
void DecomposeDispose(bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length, QEngineCPUPtr dest)
Minimally decompose a set of contigious bits from the separable unit.
Definition: state.cpp:1167
void QueueSetRunningNorm(real1_f runningNrm)
Add an operation to the (OpenCL) queue, to set the value of runningNorm, which is the normalization c...
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:112
void INCDECBCDC(bitCapInt toMod, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt length, bitLenInt carryIndex)
Add BCD integer (without sign, with carry)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:839
StateVectorPtr stateVec
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:39
void ZeroAmplitudes()
Set all amplitudes to 0, and optionally temporarily deallocate state vector RAM.
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:89
void Dispatch(bitCapInt workItemCount, DispatchFn fn)
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:233
void FreeStateVec(complex *sv=NULL)
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:96
QEnginePtr CloneEmpty()
Clone this QEngine's settings, with a zeroed state vector.
Definition: utility.cpp:35
bool isSparse
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:37
void CopyStateVec(QEnginePtr src)
Exactly copy the state vector of a different QEngine instance.
Definition: state.cpp:167
void INCDECC(bitCapInt toMod, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt length, bitLenInt carryIndex)
Add integer (without sign, with carry)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:167
void UpdateRunningNorm(real1_f norm_thresh=REAL1_DEFAULT_ARG)
Force a calculation of the norm of the state vector, in order to make it unit length before the next ...
Definition: state.cpp:1825
void Dispose(bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length)
Minimally decompose a set of contiguous bits from the separably composed unit, and discard the separa...
Definition: state.cpp:1313
void XMask(bitCapInt mask)
Masked X gate.
Definition: state.cpp:682
bitLenInt Compose(QInterfacePtr toCopy, bitLenInt start)
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:128
void GetQuantumState(complex *outputState)
Get pure quantum state, in unsigned int permutation basis.
Definition: state.cpp:277
bitLenInt Compose(QInterfacePtr toCopy)
Combine another QInterface with this one, after the last bit index of this one.
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:125
std::function< bitCapIntOcl(const bitCapIntOcl &, const bitCapIntOcl &)> IOFn
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:263
void Apply2x2(bitCapIntOcl offset1, bitCapIntOcl offset2, const complex *mtrx, bitLenInt bitCount, const bitCapIntOcl *qPowersSorted, bool doCalcNorm, real1_f norm_thresh=REAL1_DEFAULT_ARG)
Definition: state.cpp:539
StateVectorPtr AllocStateVec(bitCapIntOcl elemCount)
Definition: state.cpp:1844
void GetProbs(real1 *outputProbs)
Get all probabilities, in unsigned int permutation basis.
Definition: state.cpp:293
void ResetStateVec(StateVectorPtr sv)
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:231
void ShuffleBuffers(QEnginePtr engine)
Swap the high half of this engine with the low half of another.
Definition: state.cpp:136
real1_f GetExpectation(bitLenInt valueStart, bitLenInt valueLength)
Definition: utility.cpp:61
void CModNOut(const MFn &kernelFn, const bitCapInt &modN, const bitLenInt &inStart, const bitLenInt &outStart, const bitLenInt &length, const std::vector< bitLenInt > &controls, const bool &inverse=false)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:652
std::function< bitCapIntOcl(const bitCapIntOcl &)> MFn
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:269
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:53
void SetAmplitudePage(const complex *pagePtr, bitCapIntOcl offset, bitCapIntOcl length)
Copy a "page" of amplitudes from pagePtr into this QEngine's internal state.
Definition: state.cpp:81
void MULDIV(const IOFn &inFn, const IOFn &outFn, const bitCapInt &toMul, const bitLenInt &inOutStart, const bitLenInt &carryStart, const bitLenInt &length)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:403
virtual void ApplyM(bitCapInt qPower, bool result, complex nrm)
Definition: qengine.hpp:154
complex GetAmplitude(bitCapInt perm)
Get the representational amplitude of a full permutation.
Definition: state.cpp:195
virtual QInterfacePtr Decompose(bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length)
Definition: qengine.hpp:270
void CMULDIV(const IOFn &inFn, const IOFn &outFn, const bitCapInt &toMul, const bitLenInt &inOutStart, const bitLenInt &carryStart, const bitLenInt &length, const std::vector< bitLenInt > &controls)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:469
bool IsZeroAmplitude()
Returns "true" only if amplitudes are all totally 0.
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:98
void QueueSetDoNormalize(bool doNorm)
Add an operation to the (OpenCL) queue, to set the value of doNormalize, which controls whether to au...
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:108
void SetAmplitude(bitCapInt perm, complex amp)
Sets the representational amplitude of a full permutation.
Definition: state.cpp:211
void GetAmplitudePage(complex *pagePtr, bitCapIntOcl offset, bitCapIntOcl length)
Copy a "page" of amplitudes from this QEngine's internal state, into pagePtr.
Definition: state.cpp:67
void SetQuantumState(const complex *inputState)
Set arbitrary pure quantum state, in unsigned int permutation basis.
Definition: state.cpp:264
bitLenInt Allocate(bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length)
Allocate new "length" count of |0> state qubits at specified qubit index start position.
Definition: utility.cpp:45
real1_f FirstNonzeroPhase()
Get phase of lowest permutation nonzero amplitude.
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:80
bitLenInt maxQubits
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:38
StateVectorSparsePtr CastStateVecSparse()
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:44
void Dump()
If asynchronous work is still running, let the simulator know that it can be aborted.
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:71
void INCDECSC(bitCapInt toMod, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt length, bitLenInt carryIndex)
Common driver method behind INCSC and DECSC (without overflow flag)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:285
void ModNOut(const MFn &kernelFn, const bitCapInt &modN, const bitLenInt &inStart, const bitLenInt &outStart, const bitLenInt &length, const bool &inverse=false)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:578
void Finish()
If asynchronous work is still running, block until it finishes.
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:55
void SetDevice(int64_t dID)
Set GPU device ID.
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:78
Abstract QEngine implementation, for all "Schroedinger method" engines.
Definition: qengine.hpp:31
real1 runningNorm
The value stored in runningNorm should always be the total probability implied by the norm of all amp...
Definition: qengine.hpp:39
virtual void Decompose(bitLenInt start, QInterfacePtr dest)=0
Minimally decompose a set of contiguous bits from the separably composed unit, into "destination".
virtual void ApplyM(bitCapInt qPower, bool result, complex nrm)
Definition: qengine.hpp:154
virtual bitLenInt Allocate(bitLenInt length)
Allocate new "length" count of |0> state qubits at end of qubit index position.
Definition: qinterface.hpp:434
virtual bitLenInt Compose(QInterfacePtr toCopy)
Combine another QInterface with this one, after the last bit index of this one.
Definition: qinterface.hpp:338
bool doNormalize
Definition: qinterface.hpp:148
Half-precision floating-point type.
Definition: half.hpp:2222
void DIV(bitCapInt toDiv, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt carryStart, bitLenInt length)
Divide by integer.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:456
void CIMULModNOut(bitCapInt toMul, bitCapInt modN, bitLenInt inStart, bitLenInt outStart, bitLenInt length, const std::vector< bitLenInt > &controls)
Inverse of controlled multiplication modulo N by integer, (out of place)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:735
void MULModNOut(bitCapInt toMul, bitCapInt modN, bitLenInt inStart, bitLenInt outStart, bitLenInt length)
Multiplication modulo N by integer, (out of place)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:618
void CMULModNOut(bitCapInt toMul, bitCapInt modN, bitLenInt inStart, bitLenInt outStart, bitLenInt length, const std::vector< bitLenInt > &controls)
Controlled multiplication modulo N by integer, (out of place)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:720
void IFullAdd(bitLenInt inputBit1, bitLenInt inputBit2, bitLenInt carryInSumOut, bitLenInt carryOut)
Inverse of FullAdd.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:1386
void MUL(bitCapInt toMul, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt carryStart, bitLenInt length)
Multiply by integer.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:440
void Hash(bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length, const unsigned char *values)
Transform a length of qubit register via lookup through a hash table.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:1257
bitCapInt IndexedADC(bitLenInt indexStart, bitLenInt indexLength, bitLenInt valueStart, bitLenInt valueLength, bitLenInt carryIndex, const unsigned char *values)
Add based on an indexed load from classical memory.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:1009
void CDIV(bitCapInt toDiv, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt carryStart, bitLenInt length, const std::vector< bitLenInt > &controls)
Controlled division by power of integer.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:558
void CMUL(bitCapInt toMul, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt carryStart, bitLenInt length, const std::vector< bitLenInt > &controls)
Controlled multiplication by integer.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:535
void INCBCD(bitCapInt toAdd, bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length)
Add BCD integer (without sign)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:763
void INC(bitCapInt toAdd, bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length)
Add integer (without sign)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:68
void INCS(bitCapInt toAdd, bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length, bitLenInt overflowIndex)
Add an integer to the register, with sign and without carry.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:223
void PhaseFlipIfLess(bitCapInt greaterPerm, bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length)
This is an expedient for an adaptive Grover's search for a function's global minimum.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:1496
void CINC(bitCapInt toAdd, bitLenInt inOutStart, bitLenInt length, const std::vector< bitLenInt > &controls)
Add integer (without sign, with controls)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:112
bitCapInt IndexedLDA(bitLenInt indexStart, bitLenInt indexLength, bitLenInt valueStart, bitLenInt valueLength, const unsigned char *values, bool resetValue=true)
Set 8 bit register bits based on read from classical memory.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:934
void IMULModNOut(bitCapInt toMul, bitCapInt modN, bitLenInt inStart, bitLenInt outStart, bitLenInt length)
Inverse of multiplication modulo N by integer, (out of place)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:630
void POWModNOut(bitCapInt base, bitCapInt modN, bitLenInt inStart, bitLenInt outStart, bitLenInt length)
Raise a classical base to a quantum power, modulo N, (out of place)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:640
void CPOWModNOut(bitCapInt base, bitCapInt modN, bitLenInt inStart, bitLenInt outStart, bitLenInt length, const std::vector< bitLenInt > &controls)
Controlled, raise a classical base to a quantum power, modulo N, (out of place)
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:748
void FullAdd(bitLenInt inputBit1, bitLenInt inputBit2, bitLenInt carryInSumOut, bitLenInt carryOut)
Quantum analog of classical "Full Adder" gate.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:1302
void CPhaseFlipIfLess(bitCapInt greaterPerm, bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length, bitLenInt flagIndex)
The 6502 uses its carry flag also as a greater-than/less-than flag, for the CMP operation.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:1471
bitCapInt IndexedSBC(bitLenInt indexStart, bitLenInt indexLength, bitLenInt valueStart, bitLenInt valueLength, bitLenInt carryIndex, const unsigned char *values)
Subtract based on an indexed load from classical memory.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:1131
void ROL(bitLenInt shift, bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length)
"Circular shift left" - shift bits left, and carry last bits.
Definition: arithmetic.cpp:23
virtual void UniformlyControlledSingleBit(const std::vector< bitLenInt > &controls, bitLenInt qubitIndex, const complex *mtrxs)
Apply a "uniformly controlled" arbitrary single bit unitary transformation.
Definition: qinterface.hpp:590
virtual void U(bitLenInt target, real1_f theta, real1_f phi, real1_f lambda)
General unitary gate.
Definition: rotational.cpp:18
void UniformParityRZ(bitCapInt mask, real1_f angle)
If the target qubit set parity is odd, this applies a phase factor of .
Definition: state.cpp:882
void UniformlyControlledSingleBit(const std::vector< bitLenInt > &controls, bitLenInt qubitIndex, const complex *mtrxs, const std::vector< bitCapInt > &mtrxSkipPowers, bitCapInt mtrxSkipValueMask)
Definition: state.cpp:776
void SetPermutation(bitCapInt perm, complex phaseFac=CMPLX_DEFAULT_ARG)
Set to a specific permutation of all qubits.
Definition: state.cpp:236
void CUniformParityRZ(const std::vector< bitLenInt > &controls, bitCapInt mask, real1_f angle)
If the controls are set and the target qubit set parity is odd, this applies a phase factor of .
Definition: state.cpp:915
virtual real1_f FirstNonzeroPhase()
Get phase of lowest permutation nonzero amplitude.
Definition: qinterface.hpp:2709
bool ForceMParity(bitCapInt mask, bool result, bool doForce=true)
Act as if is a measurement of parity of the masked set of qubits was applied, except force the (usual...
Definition: state.cpp:1633
real1_f CtrlOrAntiProb(bool controlState, bitLenInt control, bitLenInt target)
PSEUDO-QUANTUM Direct measure of bit probability to be in |1> state, if control is in |0>/|1>,...
Definition: state.cpp:1432
real1_f Prob(bitLenInt qubitIndex)
PSEUDO-QUANTUM Direct measure of bit probability to be in |1> state.
Definition: state.cpp:1360
real1_f ProbMask(bitCapInt mask, bitCapInt permutation)
Direct measure of masked permutation probability.
Definition: state.cpp:1520
QInterfacePtr Clone()
Clone this QInterface.
Definition: utility.cpp:17
void NormalizeState(real1_f nrm=REAL1_DEFAULT_ARG, real1_f norm_thresh=REAL1_DEFAULT_ARG, real1_f phaseArg=ZERO_R1_F)
Apply the normalization factor found by UpdateRunningNorm() or on the fly by a single bit gate.
Definition: state.cpp:1776
bitCapInt MAll()
Measure permutation state of all coherent bits.
Definition: state.cpp:1610
real1_f ProbParity(bitCapInt mask)
Overall probability of any odd permutation of the masked set of bits.
Definition: state.cpp:1561
real1_f ProbReg(bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length, bitCapInt permutation)
Direct measure of register permutation probability.
Definition: state.cpp:1484
real1_f SumSqrDiff(QInterfacePtr toCompare)
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:221
Definition: complex16x2simd.hpp:25
std::complex< half_float::half > complex
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:62
std::shared_ptr< QEngine > QEnginePtr
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:141
std::shared_ptr< QInterface > QInterfacePtr
Definition: qinterface.hpp:28
constexpr real1_f ZERO_R1_F
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:152
constexpr real1_f FP_NORM_EPSILON_F
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:245
std::function< void(void)> DispatchFn
Definition: dispatchqueue.hpp:31
void rotate(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator middle, BidirectionalIterator last, bitCapInt stride)
std::shared_ptr< StateVectorSparse > StateVectorSparsePtr
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:137
void reverse(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, bitCapInt stride)
std::shared_ptr< QEngineCPU > QEngineCPUPtr
Definition: qengine_cpu.hpp:24
const real1 REAL1_DEFAULT_ARG
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:155
const real1 ZERO_R1
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:151
float real1_f
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:64
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:242
std::shared_ptr< StateVector > StateVectorPtr
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:133
const real1 REAL1_EPSILON
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:157
bitCapIntOcl pow2Ocl(const bitLenInt &p)
Definition: qrack_functions.hpp:23
#define bitLenInt
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:44
#define qrack_rand_gen_ptr
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:146
#define bitCapInt
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:105
#define bitCapIntOcl
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:91